They Don't Just Sing About the Issues, They Allow Fans to Take Action

Band: Locations
Genre: Indie, Punk
For fans of: Arctic Monkeys, Beach Fossils, The White Stripes
Founded: 2019
From: NYC
The latest EP from indie alt-rock band Locations dropped on October 18, 2023, kicking off their nationwide US tour.
Niko Rummell and Thomas Whidden are a musical duo who combine all sorts of tasteful indie influences, creating a sound that is both vintage and entirely fresh all at once. Despite their critiques of American capitalism (more on that later), it’s their use of British-inspired fuzz tones that really kick off their new EP, Stop the Money.
This is a band that knows how to strike a good balance between heavy and groovy. Whether they’re blasting you with a fuzzy guitar riff like on “Trickle,” or drawing you in with some popcorn chords like on “Moves,” Locations always maintains enough aggression to keep you listening, but not too much to scare you away.
In their latest EP, Stop the Money, Locations channel their aggression into one simple message: The US has too much wealth disparity.
It’s a sentiment most people can get behind, especially millennials and gen Z. It’s also far from the first time artists have used their music to draw attention to the ever-worsening wage gap problem.
What makes Locations different is that they actually give their audience a direct way to address this problem. Locations has a “Take Action” tab on their website that allows fans to donate or take part in several charitable causes, like the fight against climate change, political corruption, and unfair wages.
Get Involved
Locations the Band have received accolades from critics and fans for being so forthright with their beliefs. They take their art a step further than most other bands, by giving fans an opportunity to be activists alongside them.
You can help make a difference today by getting involved with some of the charitable organizations that Locations platforms on their website.
Check out the website here:
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